Blood tests

Blood tests

Blood tests

Yes, blood sampling can also take place in your own home, provided that your general practitioner, physician or specialist has submitted a special order for this. You cannot submit this order yourself. It must come from your general practitioner or physician.

Wij komen bij u thuis bloedprikken tussen 07.30 en 15.00 uur. Als we na 13.00 uur komen, nemen wij de dag ervoor telefonisch contact met u op. Wilt u ervoor zorgen dat u dan bereikbaar bent?

You and your young child (aged 0-7) can have blood tests taken at our main branches - Boschdijk and Stratumsedijk. Many employees at these branches have ample experience with performing blood tests on young children. When making an appointment for your child in the Blood Test appointment portal, choose the 'blood test child (aged 0-7)' option. Your child's appointment will be scheduled at the appropriate location and time. You will be given a longer appointment to ensure that our employees have time to explain what will happen during the test.

You and your child (aged 8-12) can have blood tests taken at all our branches. If your child is anxious or is coming in for their first blood test, we recommend scheduling an appointment at one of our main branches in Eindhoven: Boschdijk or Stratumsedijk. Appointments are easy to make. Simply schedule an appointment for a ‘blood test child (aged 8-12)’. Next, choose the location, time and date. You will be given a longer appointment to ensure that our employees have time to explain what will happen during the test.

If your obstetrician has asked you to take a Glucose Tolerance Test, you can schedule an appointment online. Go to the Blood Test appointment portal and select the 'GTT (Glucose Tolerance Test)' option. An appointment will be scheduled for you at the appropriate location and time. You can only do a GTT at our main branches in Eindhoven (Boschdijk and Stratumsedijk), at Dolium in Eersel, at Schaapskuil in Bladel and MECK in Veldhoven. The test will take approximately 2.5 hours.

If your obstetrician has given you a referral for a NIPT (Non-Invasive Prenatal Test), you can schedule an appointment at several Diagnostiek voor U branches online. Go to the Blood Test appointment portal and select ‘NIPT (Pregnancy Test)’. The appointment will be scheduled at the appropriate location. You can easily schedule a blood test at Vita_Liek Helmond on their appointment portal.

Extra time will be set aside to fill in all forms carefully.

If you have received a request from your healthcare provider from Radboudumc to have a blood test at Diagnostiek voor U with a blood test kit, you can schedule an appointment at our main Boschdijk branch on Thursdays between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00. p.m. In the appointment portal, select: 'blood test Radboudumc'. The appointment will automatically be scheduled at the right branch and time. Your blood sample will be taken to the Radboudumc. Always schedule your blood test within the indicated times to ensure that your blood sample can be sent to Radboudumc the very same day.

Innatoss Laboratories is a diagnostic laboratory in Oss that specialises in uncommon infectious diseases. You can schedule a blood test for Innatoss at: Boschdijk or Stratumsedijk in Eindhoven, Asten or Nuenen. You cannot schedule Innatoss blood tests on Fridays.

In the appointment portal, select: 'blood test Innatoss'. The appointment will automatically be scheduled at the right branch and time.

You can schedule an appointment to have your daily blood glucose level measured at all our branches, provided they are open all day long, as you will have to take three blood tests throughout the day. After the first test, the other two tests must follow at specific intervals: 1x NPO (nil by mouth), 1x 3 hours after first test, 1x 7 hours after first test. It is best to make these appointments by phone, 088 - 21 41 149.

We cannot help patients who can only have blood drawn via a Port-a-Cath (PAC for short, a small metal device), and not via their veins. Our blood test employees are not authorised to perform these procedures. For a PAC blood test, please schedule an appointment at the hospital.

You can schedule this blood test at our main branches in Eindhoven - Boschdijk and Stratumsedijk. It is best to make these appointments by phone, 088 - 21 41 149.

Vitamin C blood tests can only be scheduled at the Boschdijk branch in Eindhoven. It is best to make these appointments by phone, 088 - 21 41 149.

Vitamin C blood tests can only be scheduled at the Boschdijk branch in Eindhoven. It is best to make these appointments by phone, 088 - 21 41 149.

You can easily schedule a blood test at Vita_Liek Helmond on their appointment portal.

Ja, dat klopt. Het stollingsonderzoek moet binnen 4 uur na de bloedafname worden uitgevoerd om de kwaliteit en betrouwbaarheid van het onderzoek te waarborgen. Daarom kan de afspraak voor bloedafname alleen plaatsvinden op onze locatie Boschdijk 1119 in Eindhoven.

Dit geldt voor de stollingsbepalingen: APTT, Fibrinogeen, Antitrombine, Lupus anticoagulans en alle individuele stollingsfactoren, zoals Factor II, V, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII, XIII. Heeft u vragen dan kunt u terecht bij uw zorgverlener.