For this exam, we will monitor your heart rhythm for a longer period of time (circa one week) with a special device. This device creates a graphical representation of the electrical activity of your heart, which provides accurate insight into your heart rhythm.
Why do I need this exam?
A Holter exam is performed when you suffer from complaints such as heart palpitations or dizziness. A Holter monitor is used to register your heart rhythm over a period of seven days. This makes it possible to determine whether your complaints are the result of arrhythmia.
What will we do?
To begin with, we will make an ECG (electrocardiogram). Next, we will attach electrodes to your chest, which are connected to a device via cables. This device is in a pouch that we will place around your waist with a belt.
Duration of the exam
The preparations for this exam at Diagnostiek voor U will take circa 30 minutes. We will use this time to connect the device and give you more information about the examination. You must wear the Holter monitor for seven days and nights.
How soon can you see me?
We want to help you as quickly as possible, which is why we keep the waiting times short at Diagnostiek voor U. Take a look at the current overview of waiting times for the various exams or read more about our waiting times on this page.
The results
You will not receive the results of the test right away. Our cardiologist will examine the registered activity of your heart and send their report and recommendations to your general practitioner or physician. Schedule an appointment with your general practitioner or nurse practitioner to discuss your results.
You can also check the results of your exam in the MijnDiagnostiekvoorU client portal. You are free to choose whether you want to look at your results before discussing them with your caregiver.