Geboortecentrum Anna Ziekenhuis

Geboortecentrum Anna Ziekenhuis

Prenatal ultrasounds at Anna Ziekenhuis Geldrop

You can go to the Anna Hospital in Geldrop for 1st and 2nd trimester screening and prenatal ultrasounds. The exams and tests are performed by Diagnostiek voor U's team of ultrasound technicians. To make an appointment at this Diagnostiek voor U location, you need a referral from your obstetrician. This location is particularly convenient for pregnant women living in the Geldrop region who wish to undergo a 1st or 2nd trimester screening.

Opening hours

The opening hours for exams at this location can be found in MijnDiagnostiekvoorU, our client portal When you schedule an appointment, you will see a list of available times for the exam in question in the portal.

After entering Anna Hospital, please follow Route 67 and take a seat in the central hall on the first floor. A Diagnostiek voor U employee will come and pick you up.

Dropping off medical samples

Unfortunately, you cannot drop off medical samples (e.g. urine or stool samples) for lab research at this location. To find a location near you, check out our location overview.


There is paid parking in the Anna Hospital car park.

What types of exams are available here?


Geboortecentrum Anna Ziekenhuis

Bogardeind 2
5664 EH Geldrop

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