Semen analysis (semen test fertility)

Semen analysis (semen test fertility)

A semen analysis is performed to assess the quality of your sperm. For this exam, you must collect a semen sample in a jar at home and drop it off, so we can send it to the laboratory for study.

Scheduling an appointment for dropping of a semen sample

You must schedule an appointment to drop off your semen sample. You can schedule your appointment via the MijnDiagnostiekvoorU client portal or by calling us at 088 – 21 41 149.

Why do I need this exam?

If their partner has not been able to get pregnant after a year of unprotected sex, it is advisable to examine the quality of the man's sperm. During a semen analysis, we look at the number of sperm cells and their mobility. Your general practitioner can use this information - combined with other factors such as the woman's age - to estimate the odds of pregnancy in the next year.

Dropping off a semen sample

For this exam, your physician has given you an order form and a yellow bag containing a sterile cup. Read the instructions carefully before you begin. It is important to drop off your sample within thirty minutes of producing it at Diagnostiek voor U's main location at Boschdijk 1119 in Eindhoven.

In the laboratory, your semen sample is placed under a microscope to count the number of sperm cells and assess their mobility.

Duration of the exam

When you drop off your sample, one of our staff members will go over the survey you filled out. This only takes several minutes.

The results

The results of your semen analysis will be available in a couple of days - often the very next day. We will send the results of your examination to your general practitioner. Schedule an appointment with your general practitioner or nurse practitioner to discuss your results. You can also check the results of your exam in the MijnDiagnostiekvoorU client portal. You are free to choose whether you want to look at your results before discussing them with your caregiver. It is possible that your healthcare provider has not yet received a full report because part of the results of your examination(s) are not yet available.

Would you like to know more?

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Make an appointment for
Semen analysis (semen test fertility)
Make an appointment

Exam details

  • Order code


  • Declaration code

    078110 / 077121

  • Rate
