Diagnostics and sustainability

At Diagnostiek voor U, we believe it is our duty to contribute to a better world. To that end, we are embarking on a holistic approach to sustainability. This involves reducing CO2 emissions and taking pro-climate measures (planet), making operations more sustainable (profit), keeping employees sustainably employable and also making the chain more sustainable by making it fairer and more humane (people).

Making care sustainable

We are a member of the “Trade Association for Sustainability in Healthcare” through the Milieu Platform Zorgsector (environmental platform for the healthcare sector), which helps make healthcare more sustainable. We strive for Bronze Milieuthermometer Zorg certification (environmental “thermometer” for the healthcare sector). The Bronze level represents exceeding the requirements set by environmental legislation and forms the basis of a practical environmental management system. The next goal is Silver certification, which goes a step further and includes sustainable procurement, an area where there is a lot to be gained.

We use the Milieubarometer (environmental barometer) to measure and improve our environmental score.

Our goals

Care for employees, clients, and customers; sustainable employability of employees and keeping care accessible to all (inclusion).

Reduce our carbon footprint (real estate, waste, transportation).

Strive for a financially sound organisation (fair price for our services). Contribute to lowering rising healthcare costs.

Working together

Are you interested in what we are currently working on? A brief overview of our activities: to reduce our CO2 emissions, we have 286 solar panels at our main location. We also have a flexible work-from-home policy which reduces travel and, in turn, CO2 emissions. We save energy through LED lighting and by lowering the internal building temperature. We have also started working on waste and circularity through things such as waste segregation, recycled waste drums and needle containers, reduced paper use and mugs instead of disposable cups.

Sustainable employability and job happiness are part of the organisation's sustainability policy. We develop programmes that ensure people can continue doing their jobs well and enjoyably, despite ageing, digitalisation and economic changes. These programmes address physical health (exercise and nutrition), mental health (workload, flexibility, ability to learn) and financial health. We ensure the sustainable employability of our employees through a generation scheme, among other things, which focuses on working toward retirement age in a healthy way.

We have already made great strides, with many more to come. Keep an eye on this page for all our sustainability developments.

Green Team

Diagnostiek voor U has appointed a “Chief Sustainability Officer” who spearheads the “Duurzaam, natuurlijk!” campaign and works to implement sustainability within the organisation. Fortunately, he is not alone; the Green Team supports him. This team of employees is a broad representation from within the organisation and serves as a sounding board and a team of ambassadors.

The Green Team meets monthly to raise awareness of and maintain sustainability throughout the organisation. They solicit feedback and test ideas and actions, keep sustainability on the agenda within the departments and come up with initiatives and ideas.

Watch the video to find out what the Green Team thinks about sustainability!